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Saturday, February 11, 2006

“Will You Be my valentine? “...#@#$@....THRASH

...#@#$@.... (THRASH) .....this is what usually follows the above harmless comment “Will You Be my valentine”….for the inexperienced lot I will explain the simple procedure …a lot’s of bad words followed by a heavy thrash .

Valentines Day is celebrated in memory of...oh who cares …..We need one more day for celebrating our life. That’s it...we jump out after all such non sense’s. Valentine’s Day is a daily chore for one of my friends , let’s call him ‘Coffey Annan’ , for him everyday is a Valentine’s Day since there is no special day for him to propose to a girl , may it be a girl who passed by him in a flash , whom in the second glimpse he will propose …

The Valentines Day is a special occasion for guys to loosen up their pockets and for girls to fill up their bags with presents. I always wonder why it is not happening in the reverse. Little did I know till a few years back that roses which the nature gave in different colors had so different meaning.
I remember going with one of my friends on the Valentines Day to the local market to buy some fresh roses to take it to my school to “SELL” …..Really…we intended to do it so…we always came up with good business tactics and sales opportunities to make money but always ended up in losing it instead. The shop owner showed us a bunch of roses and stated a price which was rather toooooooo much for us then …but we didn’t want to loose the business opportunity so we pulled out all our resourced money which would have provided us with a biriyani in the noon interval and bought the bunch …We reached our school with the expectation of getting a lot of business for our fresh flower’s which was intended to be a lot more romantic than the plastic one’s available in the market then. We reached our class with our priced possession a bunch of Rose’s which was to fetch us a good fortune.
The student’s began flowing into the class and we were ready with our goods to be sold out in a matter of minute’s since we have researched out the number of couples and their exact pocket value and how to sell to them …yes ….we were well planned so their was not even a least hope for our business empire to collapse.

The first prey came with his girl, we approached with our priced roses and asked him to buy one , he liked the idea….it was really a fantastic one, we knew it!...we showed him the bunch …he took one and gave us the money …He was happy…his Girl was Happy and we were Happy too…then the second and third couple arrived and we sold two more… Then the fourth couple and all the rest of the guys who wanted to try their luck with our Winning Formula approached us and we had a lot of customers...We even planned of making a trip to the Market and fetching once more the same amount of flowers at noon ….”BUT”…the fourth guy gave us a cruel look when we handed over the flower to him, he literally threw it on my friends face ….and said do I look like a friend of her!(she was really cute ).....we tried to calm him down and asked him what was wrong…he said all the remaining flowers “our priced possessions “ we all either yellow or white “ and it is given only to friend and not to lover’s ….Okay what now ?...we were desperate all our good natured customers began to back out one by one ….My GOD what will we do now ?....we were desperate and trying to convince our friends at least to pass it to a girl and thus create demand for it…it didn’t work …Then we asked one of our friends a girl to act as if she is a bit Okay to a proposal made with our White Rose …Yes the first Ad that our company displayed for a price of a Cadbury’s éclairs which was priced with what we had left from our first three sales . It was really a gamble to make such a move. It was sure we lost the sales of the rest of the couple’s but we wanted to capture the rest of the guy’s …Our Advertisement instantly scored a hit...and we were back in business. We sold out all the rest of the roses we had in our school and we made not so enviable profit too……We learned Ad’s do play their part ! the moral of this incident is never trust a guy who proposes a girl with a White Rose ! could also be a desperate Ad …lol.


Blogger Erosimian said...


An original blog entry!

Nice one da.

Go get that MBA now :D

7:58 PM  
Blogger silverine said...

Thanks for droping by. You were very enterprising!!During my school days in the late 90's no one had heard of Valentines Day :p

5:45 PM  
Blogger Dreamy Denimnooo said...

dutt@ : thnx da!

silverine@ : thnx for dropin by . Gr8 blog u havin

7:35 AM  

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